Articles and Features

Relationships Positive Workplaces Relationships Positive Workplaces

How I Handled My Mother’s Presidential Bet? I let it go.

“Sinong Presidente mo?” This is a question we often hear with the 2022 general elections looming over our heads. In my case, this was the topic of conversation over a Monday lunch at home. I was taken aback because ironically as a political science student who often discusses the upcoming elections, we don’t often talk about it on a personal level. We recognize that it is to each his own candidate which allows us to engage in healthy discussions on relevant issues.

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Positive Psychology/Well-being Positive Workplaces Positive Psychology/Well-being Positive Workplaces

Being Our Best Selves Through Engagement

Over the last few months under the seemingly endless quarantine period, we’ve been in one too many online meetings ad classes. The benefit of having the power of technology at our disposal at any time—phones, messaging apps, browser tabs, among others—makes it seem like it is easier to connect with our friends and loved ones, and to be engaged in online classes or work meetings over Zoom. This then begs the questions, "Am I truly engaged?” “Am I really making a connection with the people I see on my screen?”

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